Springer Medizin Verlag recently published a paper on the use of PlasmaDerm for the rare disease epidermolysis bullosa.
In a pilot project, the response and tolerability of direct cold plasma therapy with PlasmaDerm was examined at two young female patients with epidermolysis bullosa. The rare, genetic skin disease epidermolysis bullosa is also known as butterfly disease because the skin is as vulnerable as a butterfly’s wing. Even small stresses or touches to the skin or mucous membranes lead to severe injuries and wounds with scarring. The patients – aged 21 and 28 – were treated with PlasmaDerm either daily or every 2 days in addition to their individual, patient-specific therapy. Wounds treated with PlasmaDerm showed a faster healing tendency and evidence of less bacterial colonisation. Also a chronification of the treated wounds could be counteracted.
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