Plasma Technology for Health

Modern wound treatment – from “best practice” to innovation

According to the research group for primary medical care (PMV), around 890,000 people in Germany had a chronic wound in 2012. This corresponds to a prevalence of 1.1%. Ulcus cruris, diabetic ulcer and pressure ulcer are among the most common causes of chronic wounds with 57–80%. The guarantee of successful and care is based on a good understanding of the physiology of the wound healing process. A disruption of the phased process can lead to complications, delays or the failure of wound healing. There are many reasons for pathological wound healing, including infections, a lack of oxygen, and non-phase-adapted wound care. In addition to the established wound products, innovative products such as dermal matrices, cold plasma therapy or platelet-rich fibrin can represent therapeutic alternatives with promising results for chronic wounds that do not heal.