Plasma Technology for Health

Technologie | Studien

Nachweislich wirksam* –
in jeder Hinsicht

Studien zum Thema

Klinische Anwendungen und Daten

• Aktivierung der Wundheilung
• Erhöhung der Mikrozirkulation
• Optimierung der Sauerstoffsättigung
• antimikrobiell, ohne Resistenzentwicklung
• wirksam gegen multiresistente Keime
• Reduzierung von postoperativen Wundheilungsstörungen beim Einwachsen von Vollhauttransplantaten

"The use of cold atmospheric plasma might offer a reliable, conservative treatment option in complicated wound healing disturbances in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery."

"Cold atmospheric plasma could offer a reliable conservative treatment option for complicated wound healing disturbances. This was exemplarily shown in the case of radial forearm free flap donor site morbidity with exposed flexor tendons in the present study."


"Diese drei Verläufe verdeutlichen, dass die Therapie mit CAP - vermutlich aufgrund unterschiedlicher Therapieregime - diverse Effekte auf die Geweberekonstition haben kann. In Zukunft wird durch randomisierte Studien zu klären sein, in wie weit CAP bei Indikationen, in denen eine schnelle Reepithelialisierung gefördert werden soll (z.B. Spalthautentnahmestellen, Z. n. Laser-Resurfacing), bei langsam sekundär heilenden OP-Wunden (z.B. sekundär heilende OP-Wunden bei Acne inversa) und natürlich bei komplexen Wunden, einen Therapievorteil zeigen kann."

"Cold atmospheric plasma displays favourable antibacterial effects. We demonstrated that plasma treatment with the PlasmaDerm VU-2010 device is safe and effective in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers. Thus, larger controlled trials and the development of devices with larger application surfaces are warranted."

"In plasma treatment antiinflammatory, antipruritic, antimicrobial, tissue stimulation, stimulation of microcirculation, and other therapeutic effects are achieved in a single treatment due to the combined action of ultraviolet radiation, reactive oxygen species (e.g. ozone), reactive nitrogen species, and electric fields. In line with other reports, we have already demonstrated the use of direct plasma treatment in skin disinfection, in atopic eczema (superinfected dermatitis), in modulating the epidermal barrier, as well as in chronic wound treatment. We as well as others did not notice any side effects of plasma treatment so far. In summary, cold atmospheric pressure plasma constitutes a new and innovative treatment option especially for superinfected skin diseases. These promising relatively new clinical applications warrant further carefully conducted translational research to delineate the modes of actions of plasma as well as potential long term side effects. This should lead to norms for the technical devices to allow a standardized treatment of given diseases in the mid-term."

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