Plasma Technology for Health

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Best results in less time.
Achieving more together.

For medical specialists - and your patients

PlasmaDerm in your practice:
Easy to handle. Simply effective.

Better results in less time and with manageable effort: Doctors, specialist staff and wound managers can benefit from PlasmaDerm as well as nurses and physiotherapists. Short application times, simple operation, impressive results and the possibility of self-treatment at home are just the most important advantages for practitioners and those affected. Together we are now bringing the opportunities of this unique technology to your daily work: Treatment recommendations are already available for many indications. In all other cases, we will work out the optimal therapy with you. Together we can achieve more for your patients!


Decisive advantages.
For many types of treatment.

See for yourself

Request a test device!

Discover the new possibilities of treatment with PlasmaDerm:
We are by your side so that together we can achieve the best for your patients. Be one of the first to equip your practice and clinic with our highly innovative, effective and safe technology. We look forward to inspiring you and your patients.

Concrete recommendations.
For more and more indications.

PlasmaDerm has proven its highly effective effect in several studies and countless specific applications. This results in specific treatment recommendations for a number of indications, which we will be happy to make available to you on request. And in the event that a treatment recommendation is not yet available for a desired clinical picture, we will be happy to work out this with you and for you.

More about the areas of application

Chronic wounds

Better healing process.
Faster treatment success.
Less infections.

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Surgical wounds

Antimicrobially effective.
Proven to be activating for wound healing.

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Skin conditions

Promotes regeneration.
Effectively treat inflammatory skin diseases.

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Movement pain

Sustainable depth effect.
Thanks to microcirculation ideal for tennis elbow etc.

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PlasmaDerm has been shown to be effective.

The unique PlasmaDerm technology represents a completely new approach to wound treatment. Numerous studies – including many of our own – report impressive effects and successes.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Do you have any questions about PlasmaDerm, the possible applications, a possible reimbursement of costs by your health insurance company and more? You can find many answers directly in our FAQs. You can also use the contact form: We will get back to you personally as soon as possible!


Empfehlungen für immer mehr Indikationen. PlasmaDerm hat seine hocheffektive Wirkung in mehreren Studien und unzähligen konkreten Anwendungen unter Beweis gestellt. Daraus resultieren konkrete Behandlungsempfehlungen für etliche Indikationen, die wir Ihnen auf Anfrage gerne zur Verfügung stellen. Und für den Fall, dass für ein gesuchtes Krankheitsbild noch keine Behandlungsempfehlung vorliegt, erarbeiten wir diese gerne mit Ihnen und für Sie.

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Treatment recommendations

Recommendations for more and more indications. PlasmaDerm has proven its highly effective effect in several studies and countless specific applications. This results in specific treatment recommendations for a number of indications, which we will be happy to make available to you on request. And in the event that a treatment recommendation is not yet available for a desired clinical picture, we will be happy to work out this with you and for you.

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