Plasma Technology for Health

Simple and highly effective –
even at home


Wound treatment with PlasmaDerm:
The therapy at home

Seize the opportunity to experience the unique effects of PlasmaDerm on your own body. We explain to you step by step how you get your own personal therapy package, what costs could arise, and who you can contact if you should still have any questions or requests. We hope you and/or your relatives get well soon and we look forward to your reports during and after working with PlasmaDerm!

How do I get my PlasmaDerm @home?

PlasmaDerm is a certified medical product. To get a therapy package, you need two things first and foremost: A corresponding indication or illness as well as a prescription from your doctor.

When we have the documents, your doctor will receive the therapy package with an introduction to its use. He will then show you how you can easily use the device yourself.

For how long do I get the therapy package?

The doctor will give you the device and the corresponding number of spacers that you need for a two-month treatment according to your indication. After the two months have elapsed, you can simply return the PlasmaDerm device free of charge.

Is the therapy reimbursed?

The innovative treatment with cold plasma has been proven to be highly effective and effective and is already used as standard in many clinics. Still, a refund will be given usually unfortunately not yet approved by the statutory health insurances.

In individual cases, however, a takeover can be achieved. Please do not hesitate to contact us at – We support you in communicating with your cash register. By the way: In many cases, private health insurances cover the costs completely. We would be happy to advise you in this case too.

What happens if the health insurance company does not pay?

In this case, you have to bear the costs yourself. The costs for a 2-month therapy are 994.00 € plus VAT. They include the rental and service costs for the device, the costs for the spacers, the counselling and the technical service. After all, you can claim the costs for the therapy against tax under certain conditions. We will prepare an invoice for you, which you can use as an extraordinary burden deductible in your next tax return.

An extension of the therapy is possible at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

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